It's 4:14 in the morning. Sunday has turned in to a monday. Though when in the studio, you don't really follow the weekdays. In here every day feels like a saturday. We are not really in the mood to following the news or taking care of anything ordinary. We've solidly nailed four songs today. It's a track record. Everything sounds ridiculously good. We gave our selves the permit to loosen up a bit after the hammering, and we found out that Pelle turned out to be a Michael Lee Roth enthusiasist after a few glasses of wine. Then we listened to XTC and Dead Kennedys and gave ourselves the pleasure of even more wine! We really need to go to sleep right now.
Oh yeah, David Lee Roth is an nowadays an ambulance driver and Mikko is the re-incarnation of Keith Moon.
Has this entry been wroten when under the influence of alcohol or why there first reads Michael Lee Roth and in the end David Lee Roth? Or were you just tired?
wine gives me the headache...
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